Welcome to CoolSculpting™

Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to the body you have always wanted! Bowes Dermatology is proud to offer patients CoolSculpting, a completely non-invasive, FDA cleared treatment for fat reduction. This technology was developed by world renowned dermatologists Dr. Dieter Manstein and Dr. Rox Anderson at Harvard Medical school, Massachusetts General Hospital.

Who gets CoolSculpting?


If the following describes you, we think you'll want to look into CoolSculpting:

You hate needles. CoolSculpting is completely nonsurgical. Read our Coolsculpting's FAQ to get the details.

  • You don't want to wear compressive pants.
  • You don't want to be under general anaesthesia.
  • You don't want to devote your entire day to treatment. CoolSculpting generally takes 1 to 4 hours, and then you can go back to your usual routine.
  • You don't have time to lay low. There is no downtime with CoolSculpting.
  • You've got love-handles, belly, arms, thights that won't respond to diets or workouts. Unlike dieting or exercise, CoolSculpting can actually destroy 30% of your fat cells exactly where you want to.
  • You're cool with results that show up gradually. It takes a little while for your body to metabolize and get rid of the frozen fat cells. But after about 8-12 weeks, you'll notice the most dramatic results.

Learn the basics about CoolSculpting:

Is there anything CoolSculpting can't do?

As fantastic as this exciting new procedure is, it's not for everyone :

  • It can't help you get rid of a double chin. CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared for fat reduction on the abdomen & flanks (think lovehandles). It can also work to freeze fat on the thighs, back or other areas, but not the face or neck. Liposuction can achieve excellent neck contouring results with reasonable recovery.
  • It won't help you lose a lot of weight. CoolSculpting is excellent for putting the finishing touches on a body that you've worked hard to make lean and toned. You'll see the best results if you are at a healthy body weight.
  • It's not your best option for treating cellulite. CoolSculpting exclusively targets fat cells, so it won't dismantle connective tissue that causes cellulite. Cavitation and ultra-frequency are ideal cellulite treatments.
  • It's not an excuse to eat more junk food. You still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep your improved look (and your health) at its best. Be smart, and your CoolSculpting results will look amazing for years to come.

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

CoolSculpting offers patients who want to shrink moderate bulges on their hips, torso or thighs—but aren't quite ready for surgery—an effective non-surgical option to achieve their goals. However, it's not a replacement for liposuction. This infographic breaks down the strengths of both CoolSculpting and liposuction to help you weigh your options. You can also read Dr. Vasseur article about liposuction.

 Coolsculpting versus liposuction

Have more questions? Contact us and we'll fill you in.

We'll be happy to share the details with you. The best thing to do is schedule a free consultation, so you can meet with our surgeons and aesthetic services staff and learn if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting. In the meantime, check out our Coolsculpting FAQ's to learn more about how the procedure works.

Last update : 16/10/2015

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